Investigations on searching alternative methods of assessment of physiological state of biological systems in 2000 led to the development of new apparatus complex
"Bioscope" capable to react distantly on the approaching of living objects (plants, animals, human).
The device is simple in design, and its working principle is based on evaluation of the intensity of light scattered from the sensor
- the glass plate covered by a thin opaque material. Structurally, "Bioscope" is optically and electrically isolated from the environment
and the approaching of the various objects to the device obviously would not have to alter its readings. For inanimate objects with the
ambient temperature, the device is insensitive. However, the instrument responds to the presence of a human at distance of 5-6 meters.
The studies have revealed that among inanimate objects, water exhibits a special position, and in the presence of water near the "Bioscope",
the expressed signal changes are observed, even if water is placed in hermetic capsule.
Numerous experiments on the influence of stress, as well as the effect of number of pharmacological agents on animals have shown high
sensitivity and specificity of remote "Bioscope" signals to the change of physiological state of animal. The data are obtained that create the preconditions for the practical use of hardware complex "Bioscope" for early prediction of infection and the beginning of the formation of pathological processes in the body.
Now, work has begun to assess the possibility of using hardware complex "Bioscope" for early prediction of the of the cancer formation in humans.
To effectively conduct further research, a new modification of the “Bioscope” has been developed with the ability to record the recorded signal on a mobile phone using a Bluetooth communication line.
Returning to the effects identified during studies using the “Bioscope”, we note that in numerous experiments it has been unequivocally proven that the nature of the observed phenomena is not related to thermal, electromagnetic or acoustic fields. The readings from the developed equipment are reliable and completely reproducible. Therefore, the conducted studies lead to the conclusion about the existence of the phenomenon of remote interactions between all macroscopic systems (living and nonliving).
The identified phenomena are not taken into account in any way within the framework of modern scientific concepts and lead to the need to change generally accepted scientific concepts.
One example that proves the validity of the conclusion made is an experiment using the “Bioscope” hardware complex, indicating the possibility of transferring the properties of a pharmacological drug to water.
It is important to note that the physiological effects on the body after injection of water “B” with the transfer of the properties of the drug to it and water “B” with the test drug actually dissolved in it coincide.
These data, as well as the results of previously conducted studies, which were summarized in a number of successfully defended dissertations, indicate the advisability of using the Bioscope hardware complex in various biomedical studies as a unique device for non-contact assessment of the state of the system under study.
Early Diagnosis of the Formation of Cancer: A Non-Invasive Approach. Sargsyan R., Karamyan G., Simonyan L., Manukyan A., Sargsyan V. New Advances in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 8, 30 June 2023, pp. 118-135.
Non-Invasive Approach to Early Diagnosis of the Formation of Oncological Neoplasms
Sargsyan R., Karamyan G., Simonyan L., Manukyan A., Sargsyan V. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 14, 2023, pp. 202-210.
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Новые подходы к оценке психофизиологического состояния у одаренных подростков
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Nonlocal Correlations in Macroscopic Systems: Living Objects, Mental Influence and Physical Processes
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