H. Arestakesyan, Z. Karabekian, N. Ayvazyan, Effect of crude Macrovipera lebetina obtusa venom on adhesion properties of cardiomyocytes, cardiac fibroblasts and epithelial cells.
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HLA class I depleted hESC as a source of hypoimmunogenic cells for tissue engineering applications.
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Downregulation of beta-microglobulin to diminish T-lymphocyte lysis of non-syngeneic cell sources of engineered heart tissue constructs.
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Exposure to phthalates affects calcium handling and intercellular connectivity of human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
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Breakdown of immune privilege and spontaneous autoimmunity in mice expressing a transgenic T cell receptor specific for a retinal autoantigen.
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Immunological barriers to stem-cell based cardiac repair.
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Uveitis-associated epitopes of retinal antigens are pathogenic in the humanized mouse model of uveitis and identify autoaggressive T cells.
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Effects of N-cadherin overexpression on adhesion properties of embryonic stem cells.
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Clinically relevant concentrations of Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) uncouple cardiac syncytium.
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Formation of cardiac fibers in Matrigel matrix.
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Antigen/MHC Class II/Ig Dimers for Study of Uveitogenic T Cells: IRBP p161–180 Presented by both IA and IE Molecules.
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B cell delivered gene transfer of human S-Ag Ig fusion protein protects from Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis.
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Complex formation among murine cytomegalovirus US22 proteins encoded by M139, M 140, and M141.
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A humanized model of experimental autoimmune uveitis in HLA transgenic mice.
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Identification and characterization of novel murine cytomegalovirus M112/113 gene products.
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Products of US22 genes M140 andM141 confer efficient replication of murine cytomegalovirus in macrophages and spleen.
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Replication of murine cytomegalovirus in differentiated macrophages as a determinant of viral pathogenesis.
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Transcriptional analysis of the murine cytomegalovirus Hind III I region: Identification of a novel immediate early gene region.
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