We are honored to present the ERA Chair holder of the newly establishing Regional
Center of Excellence at the Orbeli Institute of Physiology of NAS RA in frame of the Horizon Europe Grant Project NAR-SAR-IPH-101087403
Narine Sarvazyan is a tenured Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology at the George
Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She has been working in the
field of cardiac physiology for nearly three decades.
Throughout these years her lab has been
continuously funded by the United States National Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, and the American Heart Association. She is the United States Fulbright Scholar,
the American Heart Association Established Investigator, and the recipient of the Distinguished
Teacher Award from both Texas Tech and George Washington Universities. She mentored
numerous students, postdoctoral researchers, and medical fellows, with several of her former
trainees currently leading their own labs. She holds a number of key US patents in the fields of
spectral imaging and tissue engineering. Results of her studies have been published in highly
respectable journals such as Nature, Cancer Research, Biophysical Journal, American Journal
of Physiology, and many others.
Prof. Sarvazyan’s research interests encompass a wide variety of projects. Early on she used
oxidant-sensitive dyes for in vivo visualization of oxidative stress caused by cancer drugs, then
proceeded to use confocal microscopy and optical mapping techniques to reveal the cellular
origins of cardiac arrhythmias. These studies helped to develop a new theoretical framework to
explain complex spatiotemporal patterns observed during the experimental models of ectopic
arrhythmias. For the last decade, her group has been using different imaging devices to collect
and analyze endogenous tissue autofluorescence. Together with her industry partners, she led
the development of the first percutaneous hyperspectral catheter for live intracardiac imaging.
Another line of research pursued by Prof. Sarvazyan’s team involves the creation of tissue-
engineered minipumps that can assist the flow of biological fluids. Such biomimetic pumps can
have multiple applications, ranging from organ-on-chip devices to in vivo implantation to aid the
delivery of body fluids.